Английски език 4th grade
أمثلة من مجتمعنا
1,398 نتيجة/نتائج لـ 'английски 4th grade'
Defining relative clauses (1) - 7th grade
اختبار تنافسي
Ordinal numbers (1)
His face, her face- 2nd grade
مخطط المربعات
House (2nd grade)
مخطط المربعات
Months and seasons 2nd grade
فرز المجموعات
Was/were (4th grade)
اختبار تنافسي
There is / There are (2nd grade)
اختبار تنافسي
Colours (2) - 2nd grade
العثور على العنصر المطابق
Present Perfect Simple
اختبار تنافسي
Tidy up 2nd grade
For/since-7th grade
فرز المجموعات
The grey duck (2nd grade)
اختبار تنافسي
Ordinal numbers and months (4th grade)
الكلمات المتقاطعة
Ordinal numbers
اضرب الخلد
Let's count (2nd grade)
اختبار تنافسي
My favourite food - 2nd grade
Food - 2nd grade
مخطط المربعات
His name, her name (2nd grade)
اختبار تنافسي
What is it?
مخطط المربعات
Food (2) 2nd grade
Months and seasons
الكلمات المتقاطعة
Must/mustn't (4th grade)
اختبار تنافسي
Was / were
أكمل الجملة
Countries and nationalities 4th grade
العجلة العشوائية
Crossword - Yesterday ... (regular verbs)
الكلمات المتقاطعة
What are they doing? (2) Listening
What are they doing?
أكمل الجملة
Her hair, his hair (2nd grade)
العثور على العنصر المطابق
I can draw (Match up)
irregular verbs 4th grade longman
What's this? (2)
العثور على العنصر المطابق
What's in my pencil case? (Какво има в моя несесер?)
اختبار تنافسي
Alphabet (A-P)
Was, were
اختبار تنافسي
Clauses and linkers of contrast (1)
أكمل الجملة
مخطط المربعات
Alphabet (M-U)
البطاقات العشوائية
Where is it? On-in-under
اختبار تنافسي
مخطط المربعات
Colours 1 (wordsearch)
البحث عن الكلمات
Family (crossword) - 2nd grade
الكلمات المتقاطعة
Who ...? (2nd grade)
اختبار الصور
Everybody up 1 Lesson 1
Some or any (1)
اختبار تنافسي
What are they doing?
مخطط المربعات
Is or Are? 4th grade
اختبار تنافسي
Irregular verbs 4th and 5th grade
افتح الصندوق
Look at me (4th grade)
اختبار تنافسي
Past participle
اضرب الخلد
What's this?
اختبار تنافسي
First conditional (exercise)
اختبار تنافسي
Английски език 2.клас Животни
العثور على العنصر المطابق
Fruit and vegetables (wordsearch)
البحث عن الكلمات
Английски думи
إعادة ترتيب الأحرف