1) I want _________________ to Paris this summer. a) to go b) to eat c) going d) went e) to going 2) She loves _______________ ice cream. a) ate b) eating c) eats d) to eating e) to eats 3) He forgot ______________________ his umbrella. a) took b) takes c) to take d) taking e) to took 4) I don't mind __________________ in the rain. a) walkings b) walks c) walked d) to walk e) walking 5) I should stop ______________________ too much junk food. a) to eat b) ate c) eating d) to eating e) to eats 6) I need _________________ a glass of water. a) drinks b) drinking c) drank d) to drank e) to drink 7) Do you agree __________________________ bungee jumping? a) going b) go c) went d) to go e) to went 8) He can't stand ________________________ to loud music. a) to listen b) listen c) listening d) to listening e) to listened 9) I enjoy ____________________ the internet but I love ___________________ novels more. a) surfing / to read b) surf / read c) surfed / read d) to surf / reading e) surfing / reading 10) He hates _____________________ presents. a) to buy b) buys c) buying d) to buying e) bought 11) You should stop ______________________ too much water. a) to wasted b) wasted c) to waste d) to wasting e) wasting

Gerunds and Infinitives 7A

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