1) Mercury is the a) Farthest planet b) 2nd-closest planet c) The hottest planet d) A gas Giant e) 2nd-farthest planet f) Closest planet 2) Astronomical units (AU) is: a) The distance between the earth and the sun b) 1000mi c) 1000km d) 1000m e) 1000dm f) 10 earths 3) How far is Voyager I? a) Outside of the solar system b) Outside of the Galaxy c) Outside of the Local Group d) Outside of the sun e) Outside of the universe 4) Which company launched Voyager I and II? a) NASA b) McDonald's c) SpaceX 5) When was Voyager I Launched? a) 1200 b) 3450 c) 2019 d) 2003 e) 1993 f) 1997 6) What Company Launched Saturn V? a) NASA b) SpaceX 7) Who launched the company SpaceX? a) Elon Musk b) Bill Gates c) Donald trump d) Neil Armstrong 8) What is the Price for one SpaceX ride? a) 69420$ b) 13 million$ c) 5.345 million$ d) 55 million$  e) 6000$ f) 1$ 9) What is the closest star system to us? a) Alpha Centauri b) jebels c) Alpha Centurai A d) Alpha Centauri B e) Alpha Centauri C f) Alpha Centauri D 10) What Solar System is in order? a) Mercury, Earth, Neptune b) Mercury, Earth, Venus c) Earth, Mercury, Venus 11) What is the biggest moon in the Solar System? a) Ganymede b) Titan 12) What is the closest star to Earth? a) Sun b) Alpha centurai A c) Alpha centurai B d) Beetlejuice e) UY-Scuti 13) Is the sun a star? a) yes b) no

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