1) What’s the weather like in … ?  a) Sunny b) Cloudy c) Foggy 2) What’s the weather like in … ? a) Rainy b) Sunny c) Partly cloudy 3) What’s the weather like in … ? a) Windy b) Cloudy c) Rainy 4) What’s the weather like in … ? a) Snowy b) Rainy c) Stormy 5) What is happening in this city ? a) It’s snowing b) It’s hailing c) It’s raining 6) What’s the weather like in … ? a) Partly cloudy  b) Foggy c) Sunny 7) What’s the weather like in … ? a) Partly cloudy b) Stormy c) Windy  8) What do we call this ? a) Elbow b) Hurricane c) Rainbow 9) What do we call this ? a) Lightning b) Thunder c) Hail 

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النمط البصري


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