genre - Type of movie for example comedy, action, horror, calcium - Makes your teeth and bones stronger, Box office - You can buy movie tickets from here, Slogan - "I'm loving it" or "Just Do It" are examples, soundtrack - music that is played along with the movie, Film - a synonym for 'movie', Life expectancy - The average number of years people can live, Plot - the story of a movie or book, Mouth watering  - a synonym for 'delicious', Appetiser - a synonym for 'starter', bittersweet - An adjective to describe something that is happy and sad, gripping - An synonym for 'interesting', Entrepreneur - A businessman/businesswoman , celebrity - a famous person, Script writer - someone who writes the screenplay for a movie, script - a synonym for 'screenplay', waiter - someone who serves you at a restaurant , Documentary - A movie/TV show that is based on facts, biography - A story about someone else , Cuisine - type of food from a specific country ,

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