1) My granny says that people ................. be happier in the past. a) used to b) would c) used to/would 2) I ........ like seafood, but now I eat it all the time! a) didn´t b) didn´t use to c) wouldn´t 3) I remember the way Dad ........pretend to be a tour guide whenever we visited London. a) used to b) would c) used to / would 4) ...... you ..... have pets at home? a) Did ...... used to b) Did ..... use to c) Would 5) Every evening at exactly seven o'clock, we ........ find our cat sitting on our doorstep. a) would / used to b) would c) used to 6) In the past, many families ....... spend every summer holiday in the same small hotel. a) would / used to b) would c) used to 7) Britain ........... have 17,000 miles of railway tracks. It now has 10,000! a) would b) used to c) used to / would 8) People ........ drive without seat belts before it became illegal. a) would / used to b) would c) used to 9) People ..... long distances to deliver messages. a) used to run b) would run c) used to run / would run 10) People ....... have much worse diets in the past. a) used to b) would c) used to / would 11) Call me crazy, but when I was in college I ..... love to write the longest papers in all of my classes. a) would b) used to c) would / used to 12) We ..... play hopscotch every day during the summer. a) used to b) would / used to c) would 13) When I was little, I .... watch cartoons every Saturday morning. a) would b) used to c) would / used to 14) When I was a student, I ..... love sleeping late on the weekends. a) would / used to b) would c) used to

Used to and would


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