1) English _________ in many countries all over the world. (speak) a) speak b) is spoked c) is spoken 2) New medicine for many illnesses __________ every year. (find) a) are finded b) is found c) are found 3) Breakfast __________from 7 a.m. to 10 a.m. (serve) a) is served b) are served c) serve 4) Every day the news __________ by millions of people . (watch) a) watch b) are watch c) are watched 5) In Britain, tons of litter __________away every day. (throw) a) throw b) is thrown c) are thrown d) is threw 6) Chairs .....usually.....of wood. a) made b) are made c) make d) are make 7) This food ......well. a) cook b) is cook c) is cooked d) cooked 8) Rice.......in Iraq. a) is grown b) are grown c) grown d) grow 9) Children ...... to school every day, a) is sent b) are send c) send d) are sent 10) A lot of cars....... every day. a) imported b) import c) are imported d) is imported 11) The boxes ......with Iraqi dates. a) filled b) are filled c) is filled



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