Have you or a friend ever been attacked or robbed? What happened?, Have you ever been recorded with an audio or video recorder? What were you doing?, What condition is your home in? When was it built? What has been done to it lately? Has it been damaged?, What is usually eaten for breakfast in your country?, What is usually consumed at parties in your city?, What could be done to this room to make it nicer?, What will be said about you when you are gone? What do you hope will be said?, Are teenagers given too much freedom these days? Do they need to be controlled?, What should be done about air and water pollution?, What do you like to be called by friends? What are you called by your family?, Has your English ability been tested lately? How was it tested?, Have your teeth been checked by a dentist recently? If so, what condition were they in? If not, why not? When was your last check-up?, You leave something that you plan on eating in your fridge, but later you find that it is gone. Who was it probably eaten by?, Where is your car or bike parked?, A hungry man steals a loaf of bread. How should he be punished?, 5) Can you explain how glass is made?, What is the nicest thing that has been done for you?, Have you ever been awarded a prize?, What goal do you think humanity is not focused enough on achieving?, What traditions are kept in your family?, What’s the most difficult question you have ever been asked?, Have you ever been hurt by someone you trusted?, What 3 global issues should be solved right now?, What’s the best present you’ve ever been given?, What are the most popular foods eaten in your country?.

The Passive Voice Speaking Wheel


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