1) What happened to King Louis the 16th during the French Revolution? 2) Who was the first president of the United States? 3) BONUS + 1 4) When did World War I start? 5) Who was the leader of the Soviet Union during World War II? 6) What year did the American Revolution begin? 7) BONUS + 1 8) Who painted the famous painting "The Last Supper"? 9) When was the Declaration of Independence signed? 10) Who was the leader of Nazi Germany during World War II? 11) What is the name of the Prophet in the Qur'an? 12) BONUS + 1 13) Which scientist famously first discovered the theory of gravity? 14) When did the French Revolution start? 15) Who was the first woman to win the Nobel Prize? 16) PENALTY -1 17) In what year did the Cold War offically end? 18) Who was the president of the United States during the Civil War? 19) When was the Berlin Wall demolished? 20) What was the title given to ancient Roman emperors? 21) PENALTY -1 22) EASY - What are the colours of the Canadian flag? 23) Which country was famously blamed for being the cause of World War I? 24) In which year did the Korean War start? 25) Who led the American Civil Rights Movement? 26) HARD - ( -1 if wrong) Which African country was the first to gain independence from European colonial rule? 27) When did the Vietnam War end? 28) Which 1928 discovery led to the treatment of bacterial infections? 29) Which French leader rose to prominence during the French Revolution and later became Emperor of France? 30) Which country was the first to launch an object into space? 31) EASY - Which country are the pyramids of Giza in? 32) EASY - Who was the first African American president of the United States? 33) HARD - ( -1 if wrong) What year did the Women's Suffrage Movement achieve success in the United States? 34) BONUS + 1 35) Which scientist first discovered alternating current (AC) electricity? 36) Who was the first man to walk on the moon? 37) Which medieval disease was also known as "The Black Death"? 38) PENALTY -1 39) Who was the leader of the Soviet Union during the Cold War? 40) Which modern country was formerly known as “The Soviet Union”? 41) HARD - (-1 if wrong) In which war was the Battle of Gettysburg fought? 42) What year did the United States drop atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki 43) Which war did the signing of the Treaty of Versailles officially end? 44) Who was the emperor of Japan during World War II? 45) BONUS +1 46) What was the name of the group in Cambodia responsible for the mass genocide in the 1970's? 47) PENALTY -1 48) HARD - (EXTRA +1 if right) What year did the British Rule end in India? 49) Who was the famous female pharaoh of ancient Egypt? 50) EASY - Who was the founder of Buddhism? 51) Who led the Mongol army that attacked the Great Wall of China? 52) BONUS +1 53) Which famous Indian activist helped free India through nonviolent protests? 54) What year did the Battle of Normandy (D-Day) take place during World War II? 55) PENALTY -1 56) Which European city was divided by a wall, separating East and West, during the Cold War? 57) When did the American Revolutionary War begin (against Britain)? 58) Which explorer is claimed to have discovered America? 59) In what war was the Battle of Stalingrad fought? 60) HARD - (-1 if wrong) Who was the first person to orbit the Earth? 61) Which European country was the birthplace of the Renaissance, a period of great cultural and intellectual flourishing? 62) What was famously the weakness of the ancient Greek hero Achilles? 63) Who was the leader of the Soviet Union during the Cold War? 64) BONUS +1 65) Sharing the name of the planet, what was the name of the Ancient Roman god of war? 66) Famous for her “let them eat cake” line, who was the French queen who was executed during the French Revolution? 67) In which ancient war was a large wooden horse used to sneak soldiers into a city? 68) PENALTY -1 69) Who was the American inventor and businessman who is credited with inventing the phonograph, motion picture camera, and electric light bulb? 70) Which African country was the birthplace of Nelson Mandela and the site of the Apartheid regime? 71) BONUS +1 72) EASY - What is the capital city of Japan? 73) Who was the Chinese military strategist and philosopher who wrote "The Art of War"? 74) PENALTY -1 75) Which American president issued the Emancipation Proclamation, declaring freedom for slaves during the American Civil War? 76) Who was the ancient Greek philosopher and student of Socrates who later became the teacher of Aristotle? 77) Which ancient Mexican civilization built massive jungle temples, and was known for human sacrifice ceremonies 78) BONUS +1 79) HARD - (-1 if wrong) Which ancient civilization developed the first known system of writing called cuneiform? 80) HARD - (+1 if correct) Who was the first female Prime Minister of the United Kingdom? 81) Which scientist is credited with developing the theory of relativity? 82) In what year did the United States declare independence from Great Britain? 83) EASY - Name one American founding father 84) Which explorer is credited with circumnavigating the globe? 85) BONUS +1 86) Who painted the famous artwork known as the Mona Lisa? 87) What document was signed on July 4, 1776, declaring the United States' independence? 88) PENALTY -1 89) EASY - Name 3 capital cities  90) What year did the Korean Peninsula split into North and South Korea? 91) Which ancient Kingdom once known as Ceylon now produces most tea in the world? 92) BONUS +1 93) What is the largest desert in the world? 94) Built by the ancient Khmer Empire, what is the name of the famous ancient temple ruins in Cambodia? 95) Which ancient civilization developed a system of writing known as hieroglyphics? 96) HARD - (+2 if correct!) What was the name of the famous German ace pilot in World War 1 that shot down 80 Allied planes? 97) Which ancient military leader is known for his vast empire-building and is often referred to as "The Great"? 98) Name one of the 7 ANCIENT wonders of the world. 99) Who was the Roman general famously assassinated in 44 BCE and played a significant role in the fall of the Roman Republic? 100) BONUS +1

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