1) What is the name of the first surah in the Quran? a) Al-Alaq b) Al-Fatihah c) An-Nisa d) Al-Baqarah 2) How many times a day do Muslims pray? a) seven b) three c) five d) ten 3) What is the name of the pilgrimage to Mecca that every Muslim must make at least once in their lifetime? a) Hajj b) Ramadan c) Eid al-Fitr d) Umrah 4) What is the name of the holy month of fasting in Islam? a) Hajj b) Ramadan c) Zakat d) Eid 5) What is the name of the Islamic holy book? a) Vedas b) Bible c) Quran d) Torah 6) Who was the first caliph after the death of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)? a) Ali b) Uthman c) Abu Bakr d) Umar 7) What is the name of the night when the first verses of the Quran were revealed to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)? a) Laylat al-Miraj b) Laylat al-Qadr c) Laylat al-Baraat d) Laylat al-Hijrah 8) What is the name of the Prophet's mosque in Medina? a) Al-Aqsa Mosque b) Al-Masjid al-Haram c) Great Mosque of Mecca d) Al-Masjid an-Nabawi 9) What is the name of the Islamic declaration of faith? a) Salat b) Hajj c) Zakat d) Shahada 10) What is the name of the angel who brought the revelations to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)? a) Gabriel b) Raphael c) Michael d) Uriel

Jeopardy-Islamic Studies


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النمط البصري


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