1) People spend far too much time shopping – shops should be closed in the evenings and at weekends. 2) English is a very polite language. 3) All motor vehicles should be excluded from city centres – this would result in a vast improvement in people’s quality of life. 4) Literature is without doubt a higher form of art than cinema. 5) It’s absolutely scandalous that people like film stars and rock musicians earn such high salaries. 6) In the future, everybody will speak English, and all other languages will eventually die out. 7) A miner and a doctor should earn the same salary. 8) The mobile phone is one of the best inventions ever. 9) Everybody should have the freedom to work flexitime – to start and finish work when it suits them. 10) All medical treatment should be free. 11) Music is more important than economics. 12) When a text is translated, something is always lost. 13) Dolphins are more intelligent than human beings. 14) If I had the opportunity to make one journey to the past, I’d go back to the period when dinosaurs roamed the earth. 15) I think it’s important to support small shops, instead of doing your shopping in supermarkets and big stores. 16) There must be life on other planets. 17) It’s a waste of time learning Latin nowadays. 18) Separating and recycling of rubbish is more trouble than it’s worth. 19) If you aren’t sufficiently gifted, you’ll never be a good language learner. 20) Walking is the best way to travel. 21) Basic medical training should be a part of every school curriculum. 22) Shopping’s boring. 23) I think air travel should be subject to hefty surcharges to compensate for carbon dioxide emissions from aircraft. 24) Having different retirement ages for men and women is grossly unfair. 25) Everyone knows that climate change is man-made. 26) Fossil fuels are responsible for far more deaths than nuclear power. 27) Modern technology means that people are losing the ability to read and write properly


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