1) The older I get, a) The older I get, the more I understand b) The older I get, I understand more c) The older I get, more I understand 2) The more you learn, a) The more you learn, the less you earn. b) The more you learn, more you earn. c) The more you learn, the more you earn. 3) The higher they rise, a) The higher they rise, the easy they fall b) The higher they rise, the harder they fal c) The higher they rise, the high jfall 4) The fewer mistakes you make, a) 4. The fewer mistakes you make, the better your mark is. b) The fewer mistakes you make, the best your mark is. c) The fewer mistakes you make, your mark is better. 5) The more I work,  a) The more I work, the more time I spend with my family. b) The more I work, the less time I spend with my family. c) The more I work, less time I spend with my family.

The more The more


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النمط البصري


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