assessment - evaluation about quality, value etc, campus - the ground of a school , hospital or other institution, curriculum - general educational programme, determination - the quality of being determined, enrollment - the action of enrolling, exclusion - the act of making somebody leave school for bad behaviour, innovation - the progress of developing and introducing something new, prospect - chance for success, undergraduate - student at university or college who has not yet earned a bachelor's degree, ambiguity - something which is unclear, enhance - improve or increase the quality, flair - talent, facilitator - somebody with experience who gives guidance and makes it easier for others to achieve something, implement - carry out, feedback - information which tells you how you are doing and how you can improve, bond with - form a close personal relationship with, clamp down on - attempt to stop or put an end to, come up with - think of, cross out - delete, drop out of - leave something prematurely, hand in - submit, look over - check quickly, make up for - compensate for, make do with - accespt something less good because there is no other choice, pick up - learn a new skill or start a habit, often without meaning to, compulsory - mandatory, conspicuous - easily seen or noticed, conscious - planned, motivate - stimulate somebody's interest or enthusiasm in something, prospective - likely to be or become in the future,

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