

Примери от нашата общност

45 резултата за "y1"

EAL Y1 Learning Round Up - ZOG
EAL Y1 Learning Round Up - ZOG Довършете изречението
Have you ever...? 21.01.18
Have you ever...? 21.01.18 Случайни колело
Space Words 2 - EAL Y1
Space Words 2 - EAL Y1 Намери съвпадение
Y1 EAL Body Parts: true or false?
Y1 EAL Body Parts: true or false? Вярно или невярно
Y1 daily routine vocab
Y1 daily routine vocab Мач
Y1: fruit and vegetables
Y1: fruit and vegetables Намери съвпадение
Y1 - WHICH SPORT? Gameshow викторина
Y1 Conversation Starter 1
Y1 Conversation Starter 1 Случайни колело
Scratch Junior Panel Y1
Scratch Junior Panel Y1 Етикетирани диаграма
Y1 Speaking questions
Y1 Speaking questions Случайни колело
EAL Y1 Space Words
EAL Y1 Space Words Фрасвам-а-мол
Present Continuous - Potzeniato Y1
Present Continuous - Potzeniato Y1 Довършете изречението
Rhyming Words Y1 Sorting
Rhyming Words Y1 Sorting Група сортиране
 What's missing?  Punctuation ! / ?  Y1
What's missing? Punctuation ! / ? Y1 Вярно или невярно
EAL Y1 Learning Round Up - Smartest Giant
EAL Y1 Learning Round Up - Smartest Giant Случайни колело
EAL Y1 - Yum Time Poem - Words
EAL Y1 - Yum Time Poem - Words Съвпадение на двойки
Seasons and the weather - EAL Y1
Seasons and the weather - EAL Y1 Група сортиране
EAL Y1 African or Australian Animals
EAL Y1 African or Australian Animals Група сортиране
EAL Y1 Learning Round Up - Handa
EAL Y1 Learning Round Up - Handa Кръстословица
Seasons and the weather - EAL Y1
Seasons and the weather - EAL Y1 Група сортиране
Hit the even numbers
Hit the even numbers Фрасвам-а-мол
Phase 2 Phonics sound matching 1 - Y1 EAL
Phase 2 Phonics sound matching 1 - Y1 EAL Намери съвпадение
Choose the best word for each space.  (EAL Y1)
Choose the best word for each space. (EAL Y1) Довършете изречението
Toby's Fire of London  - GFOL Y1 - What happened when?
Toby's Fire of London - GFOL Y1 - What happened when? Съвпадение на двойки
Bob - The Man on the Moon Y1 EAL
Bob - The Man on the Moon Y1 EAL Намери съвпадение
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