
5-й класс Немецкий язык Spotlight 5

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Horizonte 5 Meine Klasse
Horizonte 5 Meine Klasse Мач
Personal Pronomen
Personal Pronomen Викторина
Possesivpronomen Група сортиране
Haben Мач
Möbel Етикетирани диаграма
Базовые глаголы. Спряжение
Базовые глаголы. Спряжение Викторина
Komparativ Фрасвам-а-мол
Where is he/she from?
Where is he/she from? Викторина
Spotlight 5 5b
Spotlight 5 5b Мач
Schulsachen + mein, dein
Schulsachen + mein, dein Викторина
House. Rooms
House. Rooms Анаграма
Spotlight 5 unit 4b
Spotlight 5 unit 4b Етикетирани диаграма
Possessive Case
Possessive Case Викторина
Meine Familie
Meine Familie Етикетирани диаграма
Spotlight 5 Module 5c
Spotlight 5 Module 5c Намери съвпадение
 Unbestimmter Artikel.Nominativ+Akkusativ. Beste Freunde A1.1. Lektion 5
Unbestimmter Artikel.Nominativ+Akkusativ. Beste Freunde A1.1. Lektion 5 Викторина
spotlight 5 Module 6b
spotlight 5 Module 6b Мач
Spotlight 5 - Module 10a
Spotlight 5 - Module 10a Мач
Tiere Мач
Present Simple vs Present Continuous
Present Simple vs Present Continuous Отваряне на кутията
Quiz 11-100 - write words
Quiz 11-100 - write words Викторина
Mein Zuhause
Mein Zuhause Мач
Präpositionen Намери съвпадение
Horizonte 5 meine Familie
Horizonte 5 meine Familie Мач
das perfekte Kasino
das perfekte Kasino Отваряне на кутията
Verkehrsmittel Womit?
Verkehrsmittel Womit? Викторина
Present Simple or Present Continuous
Present Simple or Present Continuous Отваряне на кутията
Present Simple Quizz
Present Simple Quizz Викторина
Pr Simple Наречия частотности
Pr Simple Наречия частотности Викторина
My place/prepositions of place / spotlight 5
My place/prepositions of place / spotlight 5 Викторина
Spotlight 5 Module 1
Spotlight 5 Module 1 Довършете изречението
Social etiquette - quiz
Social etiquette - quiz Викторина
Question words
Question words Викторина
Zahlen 1000
Zahlen 1000 Мач
have got has got/ hasn't got haven't got /am is are/ am not isn't aren't
have got has got/ hasn't got haven't got /am is are/ am not isn't aren't Викторина
Present Simple and Past Simple Qiuz
Present Simple and Past Simple Qiuz Викторина
Test zum Thema Was kostet das?
Test zum Thema Was kostet das? Мач
Spotlight 5 Module 8b Extra words
Spotlight 5 Module 8b Extra words Викторина
Spotlight 5 Module 8b Food pictures first
Spotlight 5 Module 8b Food pictures first Флаш карти
Spelling Animals
Spelling Animals Викторина
5 class/Spotlight 5/Module 6a/
5 class/Spotlight 5/Module 6a/ Unjumble
Spotlight 5 Unit 7b Clothes
Spotlight 5 Unit 7b Clothes Викторина
 Spotlight 5 Module 7a Weather
Spotlight 5 Module 7a Weather Мач
spotlight 5 module 8a
spotlight 5 module 8a Мач
Spotlight 5 Module 5b At the zoo
Spotlight 5 Module 5b At the zoo Мач
Spotlight 5 Module 9a / 9b Places
Spotlight 5 Module 9a / 9b Places Викторина
Spotlight 5. Module 3a. At home.
Spotlight 5. Module 3a. At home. Викторина
5 class. Spotlight 5. Module 5a. "Animals"
5 class. Spotlight 5. Module 5a. "Animals" Вярно или невярно
Spotlight 5 Module 8b Food & drinks WITH CLUES
Spotlight 5 Module 8b Food & drinks WITH CLUES Анаграма
Spotlight 5 Module 8b Food & drinks WITH CLUES
Spotlight 5 Module 8b Food & drinks WITH CLUES Анаграма
Spotlight 5 Unit 6b
Spotlight 5 Unit 6b Палач
Possessiv Pronomen
Possessiv Pronomen Unjumble
Степени сравнения прилагательных
Степени сравнения прилагательных Група сортиране
Spotlight 5 Module 9a / 9b Places
Spotlight 5 Module 9a / 9b Places Анаграма
My things
My things Търсене на дума
Spotlight 5 Unit 3a Rooms
Spotlight 5 Unit 3a Rooms Преследване в лабиринт
Present Continuous (image quiz)
Present Continuous (image quiz) Изображение тест
2.2 Random cards Daily routines
2.2 Random cards Daily routines Случайни карти
Horizonte 5 Thema 6
Horizonte 5 Thema 6 Мач
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