1) Then one day there was nothing to eat, not even a.... a) a slice of pizza b) a crust of old bread c) a bowl of jelly 2) Plunging a hand deep into one of his pockets, the funny man pulled out... a) a toy car b) a bag of seeds c) six plump beans 3) Jack's mum was furious. Then she... a) flung the beans outside b) went upstairs to bed c) made a cup of tea 4) Finally he reached the land of... a) lollipops and sweets b) dinosaur and volcanoes c) fluffy, grey clouds 5) The giant said, "Fee-Fi, Fo-Fum. I smell the blood of a... a) a silly man b) a stinky man c) a tiny man 6) Jack found his mum staring up at the beanstalk and he cried out... a) ROPE! b) HELLO! c) ACHOO!

Jack and the Beanstalk Quiz


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