1) How old is Harry when he gets his letter from Hogwarts? a) Eleven b) Nine c) Twelve 2) What is the name of Harry's owl? a) Tawny b) Hedwig c) Snowy 3) How many siblings does Ron Weasley have? a) 5 b) 4 c) 6 4) What is Lord Voldemort's real name? a) Luke Skywalker b) Sam Gamgee c) Tom Riddle 5) Which house does Harry belong to? a) Hufflepuff b) Gryffindor c) Ravenclaw 6) What is the name of Lord Voldemort's snake? a) Venom b) Nagini c) Fang 7) What is the nickname of Professor Moody? a) Mad Eye b) Sad Eye c) Black Eye 8) Which of these characters does NOT teach at Hogwarts? a) Minerva McGonagall b) Pomona Sprout c) Bellatrix Lestrange 9) What animal can Professor McGonagall transfigure into? a) Rat b) Cat c) Dog 10) What is the name of the tree that hits people? a) The Whomping Willow b) The Bruising Birch c) The Angry Ash 11) Which spell is known as the 'killing curse'? a) Avada Kedavra b) Expecto Patronum c) Expelliarmus 12) What kind of creature is Buckbeak? a) Mermaid b) Hypogriff c) Centaur 13) What is Harry's patronus? a) Elk b) Doe c) Stag 14) Which platform does the Hogwarts Express use? a) Platform 6 1/2  b) Platform 8 2/5 c) Platform 9 3/4 15) What is the name of Harry's godfather? a) Remus Lupin b) James Potter c) Sirius Black 16) What is Hermione holding in her hand when she is petrified by the Basilisk? a) A mirror and a piece of paper b) A handbag and a book c) A comb and a torch 17) Who kills Sirius Black? a) Narcissa Malfoy b) Bellatrix Lestrange c) Andromeda Tonks 18) What was the name of the village beside Hogwarts? a) Badgerton b) Hogsmead c) Boarbeer 19) What vehicle does Hagrid fly? a) Car b) Plane c) Motorcycle 20) What chocolate animal is popular in the Wizarding World? a) Chocolate frog b) Chocolate mouse c) Chocolate butterfly

Harry Potter Quiz



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