I miss my friends, I don't like changes, I don't know how to cope, I am scared of being ill, what is my favourite memory of lockdown, Who can I talk to if I feel worried about school, I feel nervous of the changes at school, I am looking forward to....., My personal goals for this term are...., Funniest memory of lockdown, How does anxiety feel?, I want my school routine back, I will be able to see all my friends every day, It is normal to feel overwhelmed at first, In lockdown I have learnt new skills that will help me in my learning at school, If I feel anxious I can......, How did you adapt in the lockdown? What helped?, What might help you adapt to being back at school?, We have to stick to the routines, Remember it will take time to adapt to being back at school, Anxiety is normal, I am happy to go back to school, I do not want to go back to school.

What am I thinking but not saying


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