Read - Jens found it difficult to ______ the situation at MMK - he couldn't understand what was going on., Build. - If you want to _______ good relationships with clients from other cultures, you need to inform yourself about them., Weigh up - Before relocation, we _____ the pros and cons of staying in our own country., Process - I can't give you a final decision until I've _____ all the information you sent me., Keep. - I'll _____ my eyes open when I go to the meeting in Tokyo so I can learn about office etiquette. , Take - Here in the South, we like to _____ our time to get to know people before we do business with them., Form - Some people _____ an opinion of a company based on first impressions. , Give - My six-month placement with ACI _____ me an insight into how business is conducted in India., Build - Erik will be managing a multicultural team so he'll need to _____ his intercultural skills., Work - Sanjit's move to the European office will _____ both ways - he'll learn about our culture and we'll get extra help with the project., Manage - For me, the hardest part of doing business in different cultures is _____ unknowns - I don't like dealing with unfamiliar situations., Keep - Petra ______ an open mind while she was investigating the cause of the communication breakdown - she wanted to talk to everyone before she reported to the CEO.,

Unit 1 Connections - Business Result Advanced - Working with words 1


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