Solar Eclipse - When the Moon passes between the Sun and the Earth., Lunar Eclipse - When the Moon passes through the Earths shadow. The Moon appears red., Equinoxes - All locations on Earth experience equal length of night and day., Solstices - Time of year when one hemisphere experiences its longest day whilst the opposite hemisphere experiences its shortest day., Lunar Phase - Stage in the lunar cycle that describes the fraction of the moon that appears illuminated when view from Earth., Lunar Month - The time taken for the Moon to complete one full orbit of the Earth (approximately 27 days), Neap tide - Type of tide that occurs when the Sun, Earth and Moon are 90 degrees to each other., Spring tide - Type of tide that occurs when the Sun, Moon and Earth are alligned., New and full moon - Spring tides coincide with the following moon phases...., First and last quarter - Neap tides coincide with the following moon phases...,


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