1) Give 2 examples of an Adjectives. 2) What is the opposite of ‘high’? 3) What is the plural of ‘door’? 4) What is the singular of ‘animals’? 5) What is the other name for action words? 6) How can u describe a house by 3 describing words? 7) Tell any 3 opposites of a noun of your choice. 8) Tell any 2 words that have ‘ly’ sound at the end. 9) Make 3 rhyming words with ‘pan’. 10) What is the difference between ‘where’ and ‘wear’? 11) What do you understand by Rhyming words? 12) Make a meaningful sentence of the word ‘tricked’. 13) What is a noun? Give 3 examples. 14) What is a Proper noun? Give 3 examples. 15) Tell the letters that should be capitalized in the given sentence. ‘my dog’s name is bingo’. 16) Punctuate the given sentence. ‘did ben give three little bones to max’ 17) Circle the letters that should be capitalized in the given sentence.‘ islamabad is the capital city of Pakistan’. 18) Punctuate the given sentence. ‘i have a sharpener eraser pen and a beautiful scale with me’ 19) Punctuate the given sentence. ‘did ben give three little bones to max’ 20) Tell the verbs in the given sentence. ‘My friend sings and dances very well’.


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