Do you like travelling? Why? Why not?, What was your best/worst holiday ever?, What do you prepare before going on holiday?, When you go on holiday. How do you usually travel?, When you go on holiday. How do you usually travel?, What kind of accidents can happen when travelling? Have you ever experienced any of them?, What is the longest journey you have ever made? Describe it., Where are you going on your next holiday?, Have you ever gone camping? Did you like it?, Describe your last flight. (Where did you go? Who did you travel with?...), Do you like organising your own trips or do you prefer package holidays organised by a travel agency?, Which security measures do you have to follow when travelling these days?, Talk about your dream vacation. Talk about your dream vacation., Cities/Countries you have visited., Things you always take when you travel., Countries you would never travel to., Types of accommodation. Which one do you prefer?, Typical things you buy when you go on holiday (souvenirs).Typical things you buy when you go on holiday (souvenirs)..



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