A galaxy - What is the Milky Way ?, Jupiter - what planet is 5th from the sun ?, mercury - what planet is closest to the sun ?, venus - what planet is second closest to the sun ?, Uranus - what planet is 7th from the sun ?, 79 - How many moons does Jupiter have? , 364 1/4 - How long does it take for the earth to orbit the sun?, Pluto - which planet is not apart of the solar system ?, Kuiper belt - what is home to the planets Pluto, Haumea and Makemake?, true - true or false: mercury is warmer than Neptune?, false - true or false: asteroids don't orbit the sun, a ball of icy rock that follows an elliptical orbit around the sun - what are comets?, rocky material, dust and ice - what are comets made of?, frozen volatiles such as methane, ammonia and wate. - what does the Kuiper belt carry?, a rock in space. they orbit the sun but some may cross. the earth's orbits, risking collisions. - what are asteroids?, metal and rocky material. - what are asteroids made of?, Jupiter and Mars - What two planets is the main belt between?, Uranus and Neptune - what are the names of the two ice giants?, orbits the sun, has enough mass to assume a nearly round shape, has not cleared the neighborhood around its orbit - What is a dwarf planet? , star - what is the sun?,


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