Continuous - A training method that should last at least 30 minutes , Hollow - A training method that involves a sprint rest sprint , PNF - A flexibility training method that needs professional expertise, Interval - A training method when you work for a period of time then rest for a period of time, Acceleration - A type of sprint training that would benefit the start of a 100m race , Circuit - A training method that could be designed for lots of different components of fitness , Static - A flexibility training method involving a 'still' stretch, Fartlek - A training method for aerobic endurance otherwise known as 'speed play', SAQ - A training method method used to improve speed and agility, Plyometrics - A training method used to improve power mainly in the legs , Ballistic - A flexibility training method involving 'fast and jerky movements', Weight - A muscular strength and muscular endurance training method that can involve lifting,


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