1) Which word in the first paragraph tells us that it is a bright morning? a) sunshine b) sparkling c) streaks d) projecting 2) Find the antonym of 'peace' between lines 1 and 15 a) fuzzy b) pandemonium c) horrible d) punctual 3) Which of Claire's actions tells us that she is upset? a) She drank some milk b) She slammed down a glass c) She rubbed the toothpaste from her sleeve d) She left the house 4) Which word between lines 20 and 25 tells us that it was unusual for Claire to run to Ben's house? a) unwelcome b) unruly c) anxiety d) uncharacteristically 5) Which did Claire assume was weird with regards to Ben? a) He had gone to school without her. b) He was wearing odd clothes c) He had forgotten to eat breakfast. d) He hadn't done his homework. 6) What did Claire assume Gladys should be doing at this time of day? a) making breakfast b) ironing clothes c) hanging out her washing d) cleaning her bedroom 7) What is another word for sentries? a) guards b) warriors c) spies d) thieves 8) What did Claire have to travel through to reach Gladys's house? a) a church b) a school c) a graveyard d) a library 9) What is a 'deserted house'? a) a house with many desserts b) an abandoned house c) a small house d) a house in the dessert 10) How do we know Claire woke up suddenly? a) Claire shot upright b) Claire rolled over c) Claire hopped d) Claire skipped out of bed

Chapter 2 Comprehension


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