imperative - (L.) in + parare - toward + make ready, imperious - (L.) in + parare - in + to order or prepare, impetuous - (L.) in + petere - into + aim for, impish - (OE.) impa + ish - young shoot + native of something, implicate - (L.) in + plicare - into + to fold, implore - (MF.) in + plorare - upon + to weep or cry out, inadvertant - (L.) in + advertentia - not + to direct one's attention, inattentive - (L.) in + attendere - opposite of + give heed to, indeterminate - (L.) in + deteminatus - not + limited, indispensable - (L.) in + dispensabilis - opposite of + administer, indulge - (L.) indulgere - to give free reign to, industrious - (L.) in + struere - within + to build,


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