1) This organism reproduces by which two methods? a) Budding and Parthenogenesis b) Parthenogenesis and Binary fission c) Budding and Fragmentation d) Fragmentation and Binary fission 2) Yeast is a single-cell organism which reproduce by a) Cloning b) Budding c) Fission d) Parthenogenesis e) Fragmentation 3) Bacteria reproduces asexually by a) Conjugation b) Budding c) Parthenogenesis d) Binary Fission e) Regeneration 4) The komodo dragon, Bees and ants reproduce asexually by a) Parthenogenesis b) Regeneration c) Budding d) Fission e) Conjugation 5) The type of asexual reproduction which occurs when an adult female makes eggs which grows into an embryo without fertilization is called a) Budding b) Fragmentation c) Conjugation d) Parthenogenesis 6) The formation of a growth on the body of a mature adult which later gives rise to an offspring is called a) Budding b) Fragmentation c) Regeneration d) Parthenogenesis e) Binary Fission 7) The splitting of one parent cell into two identical daughter cells is called a) Budding b) Fragmentation c) Parthenogenesis d) Binary Fission


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