1) Which of the following is a dependent clause? a) The child was happy. b) The boy ran. c) The girl leapt with joy. d) When it rains 2) Is the bold part of the following sentence independent or dependent? During the summer, I went to my aunties house. a) Independent b) Dependent 3) An independent clause: a) has a subject and a verb.  b) only has a verb. c) is an incomplete thought. d) only has a subject. 4) A dependent clause: a) is a complete thought b) is an incomplete thought c) makes sense by itself  d) is a simple sentence 5) A complex sentence contains: a) two independent clauses b) two dependent clauses c) one independent and dependent clause 6) A simple sentence: a) contains a dependent and independent clause b) contains only a verb c) contains only a subject d) contains a subject and verb.

Independent & Dependent Clauses


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