1) Should school start at a later time? 2) Should schools have a uniform? 3) Do you prefer cats or dogs? 4) Should animals be kept in zoos? 5) Should teachers give homework? 6) Should phones be allowed in schools? 7) Should we learn to swim at school? 8) School should be 4 days a week? 9) Should video games be banned? 10) Should animal testing be banned? 11) Should students be allowed to ‘grade’ their teacher? 12) Do you prefer summer or winter? 13) Should children choose their own bedtime? 14) Should friends always keep your secrets? 15) Should children choose what they learn at school? 16) Should computers replace teachers? 17) Should we ban cars from city centres? 18) Should we have a monarchy? 19) Should we spend more money on going to space? 20) Should children get pocket money? 21) Should home schooling be allowed? 22) Should prisoners be allowed to vote? 23) Should marriage still be seen as important? 24) Should you bully a bully? 25) Should children be allowed social media? 26) Do you prefer introverts or extroverts? 27) Should teachers have to wear a uniform? 28) Should dancing be considered as a sport? 29) Should we learn to cook at school? 30) Should everyone learn to play a musical instrument?


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