1) My dog is ... than Peter's dog. a) bigger b) biggest 2) Alice ... to school today because she was ill. a) didn't go b) didn't went 3) She ... chicken for dinner a) didn't eat b) didn't ate 4) My sister thinks dolphins are the ... animals in the world. a) smarter b) smartest 5) The kids ... their rooms today. a) will to clean b) are going to clean 6) I ... a horse tomorrow! Its head is so big! a) 'm going to ride b) riding 7) We ... pancakes for breakfast. We had toast. a) don't have b) didn't have 8) .... your brother go to the beach? Yes, he did. a) Do b) Did c) Was 9) Did Robbie ... pencils? No, he didn't. a) brought b) bring 10) Grandma ... to cook soup this evening. a) will b) is going 11) Did mum go to the theatre yesterday? a) Yes, she do. b) Yes, she did. 12) .... your lines? Yes, I did. a) Did you learn b) Do you learn 13) The president’s dog, Pete, did ... thing. a) the baddest b) the worst



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