1) On your board write the word equation for magnesium and oxygen reacting to form magnesium oxide 2) what is the difference between a chemical reaction and a change of state ? 3) what are the four signs of a chemical reaction ? 4) how will increasing temperature effect the rate of a reaction 5) what is the rate of a reaction ?  6) how will decreasing particle size effect the rate of a reaction ? 7) how will decreasing concentration effect the rate of a reaction ? 8) how will a catalyst effect the rate of reaction ? 9) what is a catalyst ? 10) what are enzymes ? 11) how is iron extracted from its ore ? 12) what does concentration mean and how would you change it ? 13) explain how igneous rocks are formed 14) explain how metamorphic rocks are formed 15) explain how sedimentary rocks are formed 16) what are the 3 factors that affect the rate of reaction ? 17) Amylase helps with the breakdown of starch into sugar, name the enzyme in this reaction ? 18) pepsin in the body helps us breakdown protein to turn it into amino acids, what is the enzyme in this reaction ? 19) give the name of a substance that contains zinc and oxygen 20) give the name of a substance that contains chlorine and copper 21) write the chemical symbol for carbon dioxide 22) write the chemical symbol for calcium chloride  23) what are native metals ? 24) what is the reaction where metal is removed from it's ore using electricity ? 25) Explain why temperature effects rate of reaction in terms of particles  26) Explain why concentration effects rate of reaction in terms of particles 27) Explain why particle size effects the rate of reaction in terms of particles 28) Explain why carbon can be used to extract iron from it’s ore


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