1) She is cooking at the moment. a) Past b) Future c) Present 2) We jump every day. a) Past b) Future c) Present 3) He listened to music yesterday. a) Past b) Future c) Present 4) The dog will bark tomorrow. a) Past b) Future c) Present 5) George is closing the window at the moment. a) Past b) Future c) Present 6) They will dance tomorrow. a) Past b) Future c) Present 7) You read every day. a) Past b) Future c) Present 8) I packed my suitcase yesterday. a) Past b) Future c) Present 9) Maria is shouting at the moment. a) Past b) Future c) Present 10) Maria and George are going to watch a film tomorrow. a) Past b) Future c) Present

HT2_Past, Present and Future


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