1) what is a) what's b) whats c) wha'ts 2) we are a) wer'e b) were c) we're 3) they will a) theyll b) they'll c) the'yll 4) do not a) do'nt b) don't c) dont 5) shall not a) shan't b) shalln't c) shant 6) does not a) does'nt b) doesnt c) doesn't 7) could not a) couldnt b) couldn't c) could'nt 8) you have a) youve b) youv'e c) you've 9) should have a) shouldv'e b) should've c) shouldve 10) would have a) would've b) wouldve c) wouldv'e

Which is the correct contraction?


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