BUTTER: Made from churning and is high in saturated fat., One of the most popular cooking fats and is rich in flavour., Low smoke point so no good for sauteing., Used as a topping for bread, melted into cooked vegetables, added to sauces to provide a rich flavour., Used as an ingredient in baked goods e.g. breads, cakes and pastries., Perishable so should be stored in the fridge, tightly wrapped so it doesn't absorb other odours., GHEE: A form of clarified butter that has had it's milk solids removed making it clear., Strong, nutty flavour, darker colour to butter., Higher smoke point than butter so good for frying., Used in Indian cookery, ingredient in baked dishes and sauces and as a condiment., LARD: Comes from pig fat that has been rendered and clarified to produce a firm, evenly textured product with a mild flavour., Softer than butter and white in colour., In the past it has been used as an all-purpose cooking fat and in baking., Much less popular now due to health problems associated with high saturated fat in the diet., SUET: White, solid fat obtained from the area surrounding the kidneys of beef and sheep., Used for the creation of dumplings and English steamed puddings e.g. steak and kidney and jam roly-poly., Less popular now due to health problems associated with saturated fat., Sold in large chunks or in shredded form in small packets.,


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