-aesthia - sensation, Cardial - relating to the heart, -ectomy - surgical removal, -itis - inflammation, -oma - a tumour, -osis - An abnormal process, -oscopy - inspection of a cavity, -ostomy - Surgically cut into, -pathy - disorder, -phagia - to eat, -paenia - a lack of, -plasty - surgical revision, -plegia - paralysis, -pnoea - respiration, -stomosis - to create an outlet, -tomy - cutting, cyst- - bladder, Brachy- - short, Brady- - slow, A/an- - without, Dys- - Bad, Ecto- - external, Endo- - internal, Gastro- - stomach, Haem- - blood, Hemi- - half, Hepato- - liver, Glosso- - tongue, Laparo- - abdomen, Laryngo- - larynx,

Surgical Definitions and Terms: Prefixes and suffixes matching game


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