Alice was studying for many hours and was feeling ____. She didn't understand much of her Math problems and she felt ____, because she couldn't do any of the homework. She was very ____ and started ____. When her dad came in to help her, she told him she was really ____ at Mrs. Truchbull, her teacher. The lesson was very dull and she always felt ____ and then she couldn't understand a thing! She and her father talked about it and she felt much better after that. The next day Mrs. Trunchbull gave them a test! When Alice saw the test she was dreadfully ____! She was so scared that she started having a stomachache and feeling ____! Yet, she stayed calm and focused and got an A! Mrs. Trunchbull gave the class lots of chocolate because she was very ____ with them. Alice was so ____ that she dropped the chocolate from jumping! Oops!


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