1) The first typewriter was manufactured in... a) 1867 b) 1868 c) 1873 d) 1874 2) Who invented the first typewriter in 1868? a) Christopher Columbus b) Christopher Latham Sholes c) Christopher Lee d) Christopher Reeve 3) Typewriters and computers use the same key layout. a) b) 4) The longest common words using only the top row of letters on a typewriter are a) proprietor b) perpetuity c) requires d) repertoire e) typewriter 5) According to Mark Twain, this book was the first one written on a typewriter a) The Prince & The Pauper b) Huckleberry Finn c) Tom Sawyer d) The Jumping Frog 6) The first attempt ever made to create and patent a typewriter was in... a) 1713 b) 1714 c) 1790 d) 1741 7) Early typewriters had a bell to warn the typist they were near the end of the paper. a) b) 8) Using only the left hand, the longest word to type is... a) Stewardesses b) Polyphony


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