Abstract - A summary of the whole report, and should contain details on the key areas., Introduction - Contains background information and outline of main ideas to be discussed., Method - Outlines how you gathered information, where from and how much. For example, if you used a survey., Results - Also called Findings, gives the data that has been collected (for example from the survey or experiment). This section will often present data in tables and charts., Discussion - The main body of the report, where you develop your ideas. It draws together the background information or theory from the Introduction with the data from the Findings section. Sub-sections (with sub-headings) may be needed., Conclusion - Relates directly to the aims of the report, and state whether these have been fulfilled. At this stage in the report, no new information should be included., Recommendations - The report should conclude with this. These should be specific and based on main body of report., Reference List - Any sources cited in the text should be included in full in this section., Appendices - Used to provide any detailed information which your readers may need for reference, but which do not contain key information and which you therefore do not want to include in the body of the report. Examples is a questionnaire.,

Report Structure and Headings


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