Authoritarian - On the battefield, if a unit is under fire the leader must shout commands and the team must respond fast as their life is on the line., Democratic - - This would be used by an officer in the fire service when planning out a rescue in a burning building, Laissez-faire - This style is normally used when the leader has a smart, on task, dedicated team he can rely on to complete the task. Although often this can be because the team leader is lazy and this can end in failure. In the fire service, Bureaucratic - This would be used by a bomb disposal team leader, they give clear instructions for the task at hand and everything must be done perfectly otherwise people may die or get seriously injured., Transactional - This would be used by an officer that is teaching basic training to the new recruits. If they do anything wrong they get punished, so the recruits learn to never make a mistake. E.g the team is on a bush craft survival task, they may get extra food if they complete the task, or none if they fail., Transformational - This might be used by a high ranking officer while giving a speech to a group of troops, to inspire them and give a morale boost before battle., People Orientated - In the army if someone is injured, but not enough to be sent home or in a hospital, the officer role will have to take into account the soldiers weakness' and will be considerate and think about the welfare of this person while assigning them a task., Task Orientated - In the paramedics the leader role must give commands to his team and ensure he can trust his team to get the task done as efficiently and as fast as possible when there is a casualty that is as risk of death or serious injury if something goes wrong.,

Where Styles of Leadership are used in the Uniformed Public services


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