1) The children ... in the park yesterday. a) didn't played b) didn't play 2) My mother ... soup yesterday. a) didn't cooked b) didn't cook 3) She ... to music last week. a) didn't listen b) didn't listened 4) I ... my grandmother yesterday. a) didn't visit b) didn't visited 5) Jim ... football 2 days ago. a) didn't played b) didn't play 6) Ann ... her friend yesterday. a) didn't see b) didn't saw 7) She ... her homework. a) didn't do b) didn't did 8) I ... any ice cream. a) didn't wanted b) didn't want 9) She ... French at school. a) didn't study b) didn't studied 10) Paula ... school in 1992. a) didn't finished b) didn't finish 11) She ... the film. a) didn't like b) didn't liked 12) Michael and Alice ... to the shop. a) didn't go b) didn't went


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