1) He is ........ a) happy b) cold c) worried  2) He is ...... a) proud b) worried c) sleepy d) happy 3) She is.... a) worried b) disgusted c) embarrassed d) cold 4) She is ..... a) cold b) sad c) surprised d) hot 5) He is .... a) cold b) hot c) cross d) happy 6) She is.... a) worried b) cross c) disgusted d) confused 7) She is .... a) cold b) confused c) sad d) worried 8) The woman is .... a) worried b) disgusted c) sad d) cold 9) The man is ..... a) cold b) hot c) angry d) confused 10) The girl is.... a) happy b) worried c) disgusted d) embarrassed

feelings and emotions



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