PARTHENOGENESIS - Reproductive strategy in some species involving the development of usually a female gamete without fertilisation [asexual], PLASTRON - Flattish ventral part of a tortoise's shell, CREPUSCULAR - Species of animals that are active during the evening and early morning hours, POIKILOTHERMIC - Species of animals that have a body temperature that varies with the environment around them, ACRODONTS - Teeth attached to the biting edges of the mandible that do not shed but wear with age. Species include Chameleons, OVOVIVIPAROUS - Species of animals that hatch their eggs internally so that the young are born alive without a placental attachment, SCUTES - Horny plates in the shell of tortoises, GULAR SCUTES - Found on the anterior end of the plastron, OVIPAROUS - Species of animals that lie eggs,

REPTILE 3 Anatomy & Physiology Key Points


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