1) How long has Harry lived at the Dursley's? a) 1 year b) 5 years c) 10 years d) 10 months 2) How had the photos changed over the years? a) Lots more pictures of Harry b) The boy looks more grown up c) More pictures of the family at the seaside d) They have faded 3) What was special about that day? a) It was Harry's birthday b) It was Christmas Day c) They were having a day trip to the beach d) It was Dudley's birthday 4) Why was Harry used to spiders? a) They are his friends b) The cupboard was full of them c) He had a tarantula as a pet d) He can talk to them 5) Why was it a mystery to Harry that Dudley wanted a bike for his birthday? a) He hated exercise b) He already has one c) He does like going outside d) It was too expensive 6) Why were Harry's glasses broken? a) He dropped them b) Dudley stood on them c) Dudley punched Harry on the nose d) Dudley sat on them 7) Why was the table almost hidden? a) It had lots of food on it b) It had lots of books on it c) It had a tablecloth on it d) It had lots of presents on it 8) Why did Aunt Petunia wake Harry up? a) He was meant to be making breakfast b) He was late for school c) She found a spider d) She wanted to give him a present 9) What colour are Harry's eyes? a) Blue b) Brown c) Green d) Grey 10) What was the first question Harry ever asked Aunt Petunia? a) What is my name? b) What happened to my parents? c) How did I get my scar? d) Why do I have to live here?

Harry Potter Comprehension Questions


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