True: Multicellular organisms need a transport system to transport materials successfully to all cells., The human transport system is also called the circulatory or cardiovascular system., White blood cells and platelets make up 1% of the blood., Plasma contains water, proteins, hormones, minerals and dissolved nutrients., Plasma contains 91% of water., The human transport system is composed of the heart, blood and blood vessels., Sodium (Na+), Calcium (Ca2+) and Potassium (K+) are referred to as electrolytes., Heat is transported in blood from the liver to all body cells., Dissolved nutrients are absorbed from the ileum of the small intestines to all body cells., Oxygen is transported from the lungs to all body cells., Blood transport carbon dioxide from the cells to the lungs to be excreted., RBCs are the erythrocytes or red blood cells., False: Unicellular organisms have small surface area to volume ratio., Blood is not a tissue., Blood contains 45% plasma., Plasma contains 7% of nutrients., RBCs make up 44% of the total blood volume., The main roles of the transport system is to transport needed materials to cells and to provide protection only., Urea is an excretory waste which is transported from the kidneys to the liver., Platelets are also called leukocytes., The heart is involved in only two types of circulation.,


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