1) You cook food in it. a) saucepan b) plate c) glass d) bowl 2) You eat yoghurt with it. a) fork b) knife c) teaspoon d) plate 3) You cut fruit or vegetables into smaller pieces on it. a) knife b) chopping board c) glass d) cup 4) You cut food into small pieces with it. a) fork b) plate c) chopping board d) knife 5) You put meat and vegetables into your mouth with it. a) frying pan b) plate c) fork d) saucepan 6) You can mix different kinds of sauce and soup in it. a) spoon b) blender c) chopping board d) fork 7) You eat your breakfast cereal with it. a) spoon b) fork c) plate d) glass 8) You make fried eggs in it. a) saucepan b) frying pan c) knife d) chopping board 9) You drink water from it. a) glass b) fork c) bowl d) frying pan


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