1) We made a birthday card _____ Ryan. a) for b) to c) of 2) Annie gave a doll _____ her friend. a) for b) to c) X 3) I picked a book ______ you. a) to b) at c) for 4) Please pass the salt _____ me. a) to b) on c) for 5) Can I show the painting _____ you? a) for b) at c) to 6) My mom _____ my little sister a story. a) reads to b) reads c) reads for 7) My sister _____ me a cake. a) made b) did c) cooked 8) My dad order a meal _____ us. a) to b) for c) on 9) I forgot my pen, so Tina lend hers ____ me. a) of b) for c) to 10) Did  Jack show you his new bike? Yes, he showed _____ to me this morning. a) X b) it c) them 11) Please finish the assignment and bring it _______ me by next week. a) to b) for c) X 12) I wrote a letter ______ my girl friend. a) of b) for c) to 13) Thanks for your help. It saved a lot of work ______ me. a) for b) on c) to 14) He wrote ______ a letter. a) me b) to me c) for me 15) I _______ you a bottle of wine. a) bought for b) bought c) bought to



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