1) Do people tell you that you talk too quickly? 2) Do you get impatient when other people are talking? 3) Are you the first person to finish at mealtimes? 4) When you are walking along a street, do you fell frustrated when you are behind people who are walking more slowly? 5) Do you get irritable if you sit for 1/2 an hour without doing anything, e.g. waiting for the doctor? 6) Do you walk out of stores and restaurants if there is a line? 7) Tell something you consider an example of impatience in yourself. 8) When you go to the cinema, do you get irritated with the traillers before the film starts? 9) What people do that makes you feel impatient? 10) What situation(s) do you fell that you are wasting your time?

How fast is your life? Questionaire - A1/A2


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