1) What point of view is the story told in? a) Third Person b) First Person c) Second Person 2) Which room did the narrator hide his victim in? a) His neighbour´s cellar b) The kitchen, under the floorboards c) The basement d) The attic 3) After which Roman deity was the narrator´s cat named? a) Pluto b) Persepine c) Ceres d) Apollo 4) How did the drunk narrator injure his cat after it bit him? a) Took its eye out b) Threw it out of the window c) Hung it d) Ripped his limbs off 5) What was the only difference between the new cat the narrator got and his original black cat? a) It only had one eye b) A white patch on its chest c) No difference d) Color of the fur 6) What disaster occurred in the narrator´s house? a) A thief broke into his house b) There was an earthquake c) There was a fire d) There was an avalanche 7) What does the narrator see after the disaster that occurred at his house? a) A picture of himself b) His cat waiting for him c) A picture of a cat d) His wife waiting for him 8) True or False? The narrator´s wife was murdered with an axe a) True b) False 9) Why did the narrator want to get rid of distractions? a) So he could sleep b) So he could murder more people c) So he could drink d) So he could think 10) True or False? The narrator´s wife´s body still looked fresh when the police officers found it a) True b) False

The Black Cat


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