Bacteria  - Are single celled micro-organisms. They can be divided into 3 groups pathogenic , harmless and food spoilage., Oxidation - The lost of water soluble vitamins on exposure to heat/air , Micro-organisms - Tiny organisms that can spoil food they can be yeasts , moulds and bacteria, Raising agents - Can be Chemical, Mechanical or Biological. Used in cakes, pastries, bread and sometimes biscuits to make them rise, Enzymic Browning - Reaction that occurs in fruit and vegetables that may make them turn brown due to the action of the enzymes, Shortening - prevents the flour from absorbing water and reduces the development of gluten, Aeration - Used when making cakes to produce a springy texture air needs to be added and trapped in the mixture, Emulsification - Fats and oils are immiscible which means they cant be mixed. Forcing the two together is called..  , Gelatinisation - Used to make sauces , starches are mixed with a liquid and heated as the liquid thickens a process called ............ takes place., Dextrinisation - When dry heat turns starches brown. For example on a piece of toast. Starch is broken down to dextrin by dry heat, Caramelisation - Occurs when heat is applied to sugar. Occurs by dry heating such as shallow frying and roasting., Coagulation - When proteins in a food set they become firm by a process called .......... ,

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