1) Which of the following is a verb? a) laudat b) cena c) amicus d) mercator e) tonsor f) sedet 2) Which of the following is a noun? a) amicus b) canis c) dormit d) vocat e) spectat f) salit 3) Which of the following nouns belong to Group 1 a) ancilla b) rex c) venalicius d) cena e) filius f) Quintus 4) Which of the following nouns are people? a) mater b) canis c) cena d) culina e) triclinium f) pictor 5) Which of the following are nouns that belong to Group 3? a) mercator b) ancilla c) servus d) pater e) mensa f) venalicius

Stage 3 Nouns and Verbs


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